Sports & Remedial & Soft Tissue Massage, Yoga Classes and Life Coaching

What Is Soft Tissue Massage

The first question is what is soft tissue?

Soft tissue is all the tissue in the body that is not hardened such as as bones and teeth. It connects, surrounds or supports internal organs and bones, and includes muscles, tendons and ligament and fascia

Sports and Remedial Massage is the treatment of those soft tissues and is effective for many kinds of muscular and soft tissue problems caused by injury, posture, occupation, emotional stress, sporting activities, repetitive strains and surgery.

This style of massage not only helps in easing pain and aiding recovery but is also very effective injury, therefore, it’s a great to include it as an integral part of any maintenance program or any training and fitness program.

Who is it for?

It’s for EVERYONE, whether you have a training or fitness program you’re following, an active job and are mobile all day. It’s for those of us who find themselves stuck at a computer for long hours. It is for the older generation, and the younger generation. It is for long term and short term injury and soreness. It is for those who have surgery and help aid recovery.

Less Inclined
Active at Work
Less Active at Work
..and Vibrant
Soreness and Injury

Can Help With ….

  • General aches and pain
  • Lower back pain or stiffness
  • Stiff neck and shoulders
  • Stiff posture
  • Sore hips

And The Benefits…

  • Helps to restore mobility to stiff, injured and / or aching muscles and joints
  • Reduces stress and tension
  • Can relieve headaches
  • Aids deep relaxation and improves sleep
  • Reduces the frequency of injuries
  • Speeds up the recovery process after exercise